This one nearly snuck by me, as I was looking at the “99 posts” on my ‘dashboard’ and didn’t realise it was 99 PUBLISHED posts. I thought it included the 20+ drafts I’ve got half-written. But nope, it doesn’t. It’s 99 published, and then the 20+ half-written drafts. Yup, that’s me… Halfway Hayley… but that’s a whole other post… one I’ve currently only half-written.


I thought it might be nice, using this 100th post as a reflection back on my brief blogging journey. I’ve had heaps of fun over the past 7 months, learnt a lot about blogging, learnt a little bit more about technology, met some lovely people online (yes, that’s you!) and also achieved many of my 40 goals that first inspired this goal. (You can find them HERE!). I’m also getting quicker at blogging, not as much of a perfectionist with every post… although that’s probably one of the lies I tell myself. It still takes me a while… But I’ll get quicker, surely I will.


Five of my Favourite Posts (in no particular order)


1. Lowering Expectations – In some respects this post has been a turning point for me. It was like in writing down what I’d been thinking, I gave my self permission to actually lower my expectations on myself (which I desperately needed to do!).


2. If Child.Location = Out then Child.Nappy = Leak – I love this one, mostly because of the title. I used to be a nerd & geek in a former life. It shows the reality of day-to-day life, but is also a great reminder of the way I need to look at these situations.


3. Motivation, or lack there of – This one was a bit of a blogging milestone for me. Early on I was a bit discouraged because I’d seen on the statistics that there were quite a few people (ie. family plus one or two devoted friends I was guilting into it) reading my blog, but there weren’t many comments to show for it. I was feeling like people had a look but weren’t really interested. This post was a bit of a turning point for me in that it got a bit fat zero comments (still does as I write this), but in the weeks that followed I had numerous friends tell me how they’d been encouraged by this post or found it helpful. It reminded me about why I was blogging – it wasn’t about the number of “page views” or comments, but rather about keeping a record for me of my parenting/life journey and sharing my journey with others to hopefully encourage and inspire those in a similar situation.


4. Risk-taking Behaviour – As I wrote this post, I took a trip down memory-lane. Twice. I’m not going to spill the beans, you can read about it for yourself!


5. Parenting in One Word: Liquids – I thought I was pretty clever! Doesn’t happen very often. Still do. LOL


(Oh, and this one on Foods to avoid whilst nursing a baby came in a very close sixth place because I had fun writing it, and was sharing some not-so-ladylike moments I’ve had as a mummy….)



What has been your favourite “HappyHouseWifey” blog post, or post that has been most memorable/inspiring for you?

(It may just help me be inspired for the next 100 posts!)



I’m linking up with Jess from Diary of  SAHM today for:

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