8:30pm Got home from huge day. Went online to do final thinfew things #SadNews #Shocked #HeadedOverToFriendsPlace
12:02am Went to Google something on phone already! #Doh
4:05am Home sweet home. Ready for head to hit the pillow #Yippeee
4:20am Head hits pillow. Baby wakes. Starts day. #GoingToBeLongDay
09:00am Dear Toddler. Today is not the day for this. Seriously. Love Mummy. #WorstBehaviourEver #SoProudOfMySelfControl
11:05am Where is my white suit? Surely I deserve one today. And a nice white room with padded walls. #OhBoy
05:28pm Is 5:30pm too early to put my kids to bed? #HadEnough
7:10pm Wooohooo! Sleep time for me #Finally
8:15pm Dear baby. Now is not the time to be inconsolable. Vomit. #Doh #CallDoctors
11:10pm Let’s try that sleep thing… #Again
4:00am Dear baby, not again. #GoingToBeLongDay
9:30am I’m not sure who looks forward to playschool more. My toddler or me #PeaceAndQuiet #DishesTime
12:45pm Nap time for all! #Finally
3:15pm Finished my 2nd nap for today. Thinking it’s time I got out of my PJs. Or I could just shower and get back into them ready for bedtime
4:30pm Pumpkin over the side fence. It will be pumpkin scones for tomorrow #NeighbourSavesTheDay
5:15pm Stabbed my same thumb twice in few minutes with same knife #DidNotLearn
6:45pm Trying to decide what movie I have recorded to watch. Really want to look them up on IMDB so I know what they’re about #Doh
11:30 So proud of B1. In his own words “Went to Mops. No tears!” #FirstTimeNoTantrum #FinallyGettingSomewhere
2:00pm So tired #SoTired
7:30pm Spur of the moment grocery shopping. Started sending sms “tweets” to friends & hubby. #InternetWithdrawals
7:55pm @Hubby Shouldn’t have looked at the catalogue! #PringlesOnSpecial
8:00pm @Hubby Did you still want milo? #WifeOfTheYear
8:00am Trying to get ready for National Playgroup Week event. Tired Mummy. Grizzly Kids. Messy House. #NotSureIfItsWorthTheEffort
12:30pm Caught up with few friends. So proud of B1 for patting a snake & leaving my side for a bit. Coffee with my Parents #WorthTheEffort
8:30pm Bodybalance class at gym #ForcedToGo #WorthTheEffort #ThankyouHubby
12noon How do you describe a funeral? #Speechless
1:15pm Baby wouldn’t feed. Possibly starting to self-wean #FeelingRejected #BeingOptimisticAboutFreedom
2:30pm The clouds pee’d on my washing, but gave me a gorgeous rainbow #WorthIt
4:45pm Asking the same question as Monday. Is 5:30pm too early to put my kids to bed? #HadEnough
6:00pm Love my mum! #Hugs #SavesTheDay
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