For those who read my post last week, you’ll know I’m linking up with Louisa from “Everything’s Edible” to come up with a Mission Statement for me as a mum. She’s setting some weekly challenges to work through the process of developthing a personalised mission statement that defines who she wants to be as a mum. I’m going along for the journey.
Week 2 Challenge: A mission statement is only truly useful, when it is truly practical. This weeks challenge is to choose 3-5 of these words to really practice and define. What will it look like for me to demonstrate generosity with my kids? How do I show my kids that I respect them?
Word One: Consistent
I want consistency to be a core part of who I am as a mum. This is how I see consistency in a practical sense:
Consistent Routines – as a mum there is always so much to do. I want to have in place consistent routines that give structure to our days and circumstances so that both my children and I know what to expect. Though there is flexibility, it is predictable. When there is change, it is within the bounds of what is expected.
Eg. Meals routine (wash hands, get bibs, say grace)
Bedtime routine (toilet, teeth, book, tuck in, prayers, cuddles)
Getting ready to go outside routine (hat & shoes)
Consistent Consquences & Discipline: Following through on consequences virtually 100% of the time is a strength of hubby’s. I think I get it right about 80% of the time which is probably why B1 decides he can get away with stuff when I’m the only parent at home. I’m not going to detail the specifics of what we do in our household (number of warnings, “time outs” etc), but consistency in consquences & discipline is about following through on what hubby and I have already decided upon each and everytime.
(Just after writing this bit, my 2yo has gone and done something naughty, but been very cute about it. Whilst trying to get him to look me in the eyes so that I can tell him the expectations & consequences, he smiles at me so cutely and I burst into laughter. doh!! :D)
Consistent Non-verbal messages: I don’t want to be a hypocrite as a mum. I want to be consistent in the messages that I’m sending my kids – both verbal and non-verbal. If I tell my kids they need to be healthy, then I need to be too. If I tell them that it’s important to be going to bed at a decent hour, then I need to be too. If I say “I’ll get that in a minute”, then it needs to be soon and not in half an hour when I’m finished on facebook. We’ve all heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words” – I want my actions to back up my words!
Consistent Expectations: I want my children to know what I expect from them (and for those expectations to be realistic!). I don’t want my kids to think we want them to be perfect when we don’t, or for them to assume that we think the worst of them. In order for this, I need to communicate these expectations clearly to my kids, and then be consistent and not changing from one day to the next.
eg. We expect our kids to try their best, but it’s okay to fail.
We expect that our kids do not enter kitchen & garage unless invited.
We expect our kids to have manners (please, thankyou, not demanding/tantrums etc.)
… stay tuned for Word Two tomorrow…
In the meantime, I’d love some feedback if you’ve got any thoughts!
Hayley 🙂