Yesterday Jess from Diary of a Stay At Home Mum announced on her facebook fanpage that she would be having an impromptu linkup today for sharing our proud mummy moments. I’d already written a lengthy Thankful Thursday post for this week, and was both excited and anxious about sharing it with you all, but the event I was writing about has been post-poned for a few weeks so I’ll share it closer to the time (added suspense!). I’ve put together this second post about a proud mummy moment of mine.
On B1’s 3rd birthday, we took him to the park for a skateboarding lesson with the board he was given for Christmas from one of his uncles. The Uncle then agreed he would be the one to take B1 to hospital and wait for hours and hours in Emergency with any skateboarding injuries.
B1 did SOOOO well for his first real try (if I do say so myself). His balance was amazing, and my little boy was soooo brave. I’m not biased at all!!
Each and everyday I’m thankful for my little boys. They each have unique personalities that are developing, and bring lots of laughter and tears to our household. Though they test me daily and sometimes I just want to kick and scream in a big tantrum like B1 does, they are such a blessing, such a treasure, such a gift.
Linking up with Kate Says Stuff for Thankful Thursday and Diary of a Stay At Home Mum.